
Base station – a highly accurate GNSS receiver which is stationary and collects GNSS data to calculate correction messages.

NTRIP Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol. A way of providing correction messages for rovers to use.

NTRIP caster – is the actual server which provides the NTRIP corrections to a user/rover.

NTRIP provider – the organization which provides NTRIP correction services (free or paid). Many of which can be found on this website.

NTRIP Modem – a standalone device, which typically consists of an cellular modem and an output to send RTCM corrections to a rover. More information can be found here: modems.

Mount point – an NTRIP provider may have several base stations providing corrections. A mount point is a base station (real of virtual) from which corrections can be requested.

PPK Post Processed Kinematics. While many applications require live high accuracy positioning, sometimes post processing can be used. With PPK a survey is performed by recording data. Afterwards, the corrections are applied to the recorded data enhancing the accuracy.

PPP – Precise Point Positioning. A form of RTK in which the correction messages are received from (geostationary) satellites. No base station is required.

RTCM – Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services. An organization which standardizes communication in the maritime industry. In this context one could also say: Real Time Correction Message. With RTCM typically the correction message is meant.

RTK – Real Time Kinematics. In normal use RTK is used as a terminology to indicate cm-level accurate GNSS based positioning. In practice this means a setup which consists of a base station and a rover. The base station has a fixed position, and determines the corrections required. The rover is the actual measuring device, this applies the corrections to achieve high position accuracy.

Rover – a highly accurate GNSS receiver which can apply correction messages to achieve high accurate position output.